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THERE IS MUCH about the history of America that isn't known, at least not beyond the immediacy of the people who lived it. Certainly, epochal moments in the life of the country have been exhaustively documented, and collectively we have shared in the consequential experiences that have defined who we are as Americans. Great World Wars, giant leaps in technological innovation, and transformative political or social events have sketched out a blueprint of progress which We the People have followed to build a nation.
Still, most of what has occurred in the daily lives of the estimated 550 million people who have ever lived in America over the past four centuries has gone unrecorded. The intimately purposeful human connections and the random happenstances of their daily lives are the things that give texture to our past, like the grainy depths visible in an old black-and-white photograph.
My desire is to find those stories and to share them in a way that honors the people I write about. I hope that you, the reader, will find something of interest in the lives and events chronicled here.
Welcome, and Thank You for exploring Our Historical Origins! .
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